Friday, August 1, 2008

the dawn is breaking

one of my favorite books of all time is the Twilight series, and tonight, at midnight, the fourth and last book of the series will be released... Breaking Dawn.


people have been saying how all of the hype is in comparison to the Harry Potter madness... and i personally believe it's much, much more than that. i already obtained my wristband indicating when i will get my book (i'm in the fifth group), and after just standing in line for half an hour, looking at all of the people and listening in on their conversations, i realized that this is much bigger than i thought it was.

so, i'll be leaving in about half an hour to go back to Barnes and Noble to attened the midnight release party filled with, as my piece of paper indicates...

Twilight Saga Trivia Game and Discussion
Edward vs. Jacob- Cast Your Vote
Vampire and Werewolf Trivia Game

and so much more.

i'll be posting pictures from the event sometime tomorrow... when i'm not reading.

When you can live forever, what do you live for?


Selina Messina said...

I also think that its a great series. And to answer your question, I think that if you can live forever the only thing you can live for is full filling what any immortal person would do. Live life to the fullest. If you love art spend your whole life trying to learn all you can about art. If you like cars learn about cars and then build a few your self. If some one could live forever they would have to know what they trully desire and want. Otherwise, without knowing yourself there's no reason you can't learn to be something else. Life is full of endless possiblities and everyone should have a hand book on how to live. So, I hope I helped a bit more in anwsering your question. Have a nice weekend, Fearless speaker.

lightoutlet said...

wow, i actually put that line there because that's the tag line of the upcoming movie... but wow, very deep. thanks for the insight!